Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Mid Project Review

                For my mid project review, I was able to get some positive and also constructive feedback from my group which I found very helpful. To deconstruct these points and see how I can take and use them to my advantage, I’m going to pick them apart and apply to areas that the group have stated I need to work on, but also what I know myself still needs to be done.

1.       I have made clear connections with my visual research but was told to try and narrow down my ideas. I agree with this to an extent since my sketchbook seems a little more disorganised than usual. I think this is due to needing some more connecting images to previous work to make my progress clearer. This can be done by spending some time looking back through all of my work and seeing where the influences came from ie. Drawings, artist research etc.

2.       I was told there is evidence of material sampling with lots of variety; especially with yarns. I have looked at a lot of possible warps to make a clear and thorough decision. To extend this, once my yarns have been dyed, I will need to create another yarn wrap of my warp plan and show what the yarns are – I will also document the yarns in my technical file.

3.       This question was not answered in the group critique but I would still like to self asses it. I think my colour palette has been established well but almost has two halves to it of autumnal colours and bright colours. Finding the right balance of these colours to fit with what I wanted took a bit of time but I now feel as though it has been defined well. I have also tried lots of colour combinations that I can work with later on within my weft.

4.       I have shown clear evidence of experimentation in Photoshop that I should continue with. Perhaps it would be worth starting to think about weft ideas from older drawings or photographs. It was also suggested that I maybe work outside of my sketchbook to continue drawing. I absolutely agree with this since I would like to try to continue drawing away from digital and go back to pen to paper.

5.       I have shown clear evidence of contextual research through my mood board. I would like to expand on this and start to think more about the options that are available on it eg. mens suits, interiors, scarves. I need to find some artists that are making the same sort of things that I imagine my work fitting into.

6.       For positive recommendations, it was suggested that I make more links to my digital drawings within my sketchbook. Again I completely agree since the connections in my sketchbook are lacking and I need to clearly show where everything is coming from. 

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