Sunday, 30 April 2017

Mon 24th – Fri 28th April, 2017

                This week I have chosen to focus purely on sampling and deciding what I want as final pieces. Due to time constraints I ideally wanted to know before the start of this week. Once I was back on the loom and started sampling again I had many more ideas and found that I was working in quite a different way to before; including Maisie’s prints. The prints allowed me to bring in colours and textures that I was struggling to incorporate on my own using yarn. It has enhanced colours and brought in more of a metallic feel through foiling. I am much happier with these samples and feel as though they are much more experimental and interesting to look at as a stand-alone piece. All that I am worried about as of now is the amount of colour that’s coming through the samples. Since my warp is grey it is dulling down colours a lot more from a distance than I had initially intended, which is something I want to try and experiment a bit more with next week.

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