Sunday, 30 April 2017

Mon 24th – Fri 28th April, 2017

                This week I have chosen to focus purely on sampling and deciding what I want as final pieces. Due to time constraints I ideally wanted to know before the start of this week. Once I was back on the loom and started sampling again I had many more ideas and found that I was working in quite a different way to before; including Maisie’s prints. The prints allowed me to bring in colours and textures that I was struggling to incorporate on my own using yarn. It has enhanced colours and brought in more of a metallic feel through foiling. I am much happier with these samples and feel as though they are much more experimental and interesting to look at as a stand-alone piece. All that I am worried about as of now is the amount of colour that’s coming through the samples. Since my warp is grey it is dulling down colours a lot more from a distance than I had initially intended, which is something I want to try and experiment a bit more with next week.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Mon 3rd- Sun 23rd April, 2017

     Throughout the Easter holidays I was trying to think of ways to expand and develop on my weave samples so that when I returned I would have a better idea of what I wanted to produce as final samples. Unfortunately for the last two weeks of the holidays I had a bit of a mental block and struggled to think of new ways to reinvent my weaving. Due to this I went back to what I know how to do; creating patterns. Prior to the end of term I was able to draw people outside on their phones (it was more difficult than expected since at the time it was sunny and people are much more social when the weather is better). I was looking into the idea of technology almost controlling us; although we are needed for the technology to work, it’s very much an addiction that can take over people. The patterns I created were very repetitive. This then gave me the idea of using repeat patterns in my weaving. The patterns helped me to think more in depth about how my colour scheme might work and the colour proportions that work best.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Wire Samples

        Manipulating wire samples to create an alternate surface.

Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach

     Looking through this book I found that there were a lot of similar areas to ‘A Guide to Intelligent Systems’. However this book also focuses more on the links and differences between humans and AI; and what qualities a machine needs to be considered artificial intelligence. There is a lot of debate about this and the necessary characteristics for a machine to be intelligent enough to be human like. I have selected the most important areas from this book:

                         A lot of the questions relate back to if it is even possible for a machine to be as intelligent as a human; which therefore means detecting what it is that makes us human and not just a brain in a body. There are a lot of biased answers to the questions that doesn’t yet have a definitive answer, but with all the new technology that is around today I think we’re closer than ever to finding out.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Colour Board

Story Board 

Mon 27th – Fri 31st March, 2017

  • Sampling with wire and sticks to create a more synthetic appearance
  • Testing colour
  • Sampling peg plans/patterns

  • Using binary to develop peg plans
  • Dying yarns - Experimenting with colour